
Principaux articles portant sur la décroissance et la post-croissance

Un grand merci à Timothée Parrique, qui a réalisé cette collection et la partage sur son site

Sur la décroissance en général

Sur le discours décroissant

  • Thompson, 2022. Growth and degrowth: Dewey and self-limitation
  • Giurca et al., 2022. Exploring transformative policy imaginaries for a sustainable Post-COVID society
  • Khanna, 2022. Sustainable Masculinities and Degrowth: Pathways to Feminist Post-Growth Societies
  • Buch-Hansen & Nesterova, 2021. Towards a science of deep transformations: Initiating a dialogue between degrowth and critical realism
  • Cavanagh, 2021. Limits to (de)growth: Theorizing 'the dialectics of hatchet and seed' in emergent socio-ecological transformations
  • Wurst, 2021. Degrowth, anti-capitalism or post-archaeology? A response to Nicolas Zorzin (And a reply back by Zorzin, 2021, Reply to comments).
  • Watson, 2021. Degrowth in development-led archaeology and opportunities for change. A comment on Zorzin
  • Zorzin, 2021. Is archaeology conceivable within the degrowth movement?
  • Krpan & Basso, 2021. Keep Degrowth or Go Rebirth? Regulatory Focus Theory and the Support for a Sustainable Downscaling of Production and Consumption
  • Trantas N., 2021. Could "degrowth" have the same fate as "sustainable development"? A discussion on passive revolution in the Anthropocene age
  • Belmonte-Urena et al., 2021. Circular economy, degrowth and green growth as pathways for research on sustainable development goals: A global analysis and future agenda
  • Flexner, 2020. Degrowth and a sustainable future for archaeology
  • Gerber, 2020. Degrowth and critical agrarian studies
  • Vandeventer & Lloveras, 2020. Organizing degrowth: The ontological politics of enacting degrowth in OMS
  • Hanaček et al., 2020. Ecological economics and degrowth: Proposing a future research agenda from the margins
  • Perkins, 2019. Climate justice, commons, and degrowth
  • Vandeventer et al., 2019. A Degrowth Transition: Pathways for the Degrowth Niche to Replace the Capitalist-Growth Regime
  • Groen, 2019. Zero growth: A grand challenge for the Asia-Pacific region
  • Domazet, 2019. Degrowth-compatible Common Senses in Croatia
  • Weiss & Cattaneo, 2017. Degrowth - Taking Stock and Reviewing an Emerging Academic Paradigm
  • Cosme et al., 2017. Assessing the degrowth discourse: A review and analysis of academic degrowth policy proposals
  • Bendix, 2017. Reflecting the Post-Development gaze: the degrowth debate in Germany
  • Schmelzer & Eversberg, 2017. Beyond growth, capitalism, and industrialism? Consensus, divisions and currents within the emerging movement for sustainable degrowth
  • Demmer, 2017. Degrowth, anthropology, and activist research: the ontological politics of science
  • Bendix, 2017. Reflecting the Post-Development gaze: the degrowth debate in Germany
  • Pueyo, 2014. Ecological Econophysics for Degrowth
  • Bauhardt, 2014. Solutions to the crisis? The Green New Deal, Degrowth, and the Solidarity Economy: Alternatives to the capitalist growth economy from an ecofeminist economics perspective
  • Alexander, 2014. Post-Growth Economics: A Paradigm Shift in Progress
  • Sicuro, 2014. Differences and Similarities between Degrowth Movements in Italy and France: On comparison of their ideas on the European Union
  • Xue et al., 2012. Is the degrowth debate relevant to China?
  • Garcia, 2011. Sociology and Degrowth: Visions of Social Change, Entropy and Evolution in a Waydown Era

Sur les alliés de la décroissance

  • Orozco & Mason-Deese, 2022. Ecofeminist Degrowth for Sustaining Buen Convivir
  • Engler et al., 2022. The Limits to Degrowth: A Systematic Analysis of Monetary and Distributional Policy Proposals in the Degrowth Literature
  • Trainer, 2022. How Resource-Cheaply could we Live Well?
  • Abazeri, 2022. Decolonial feminisms and degrowth
  • Ramcilovic‐Suominen, 2021. Envisioning just transformations in and beyond the EU bioeconomy: inspirations from decolonial environmental justice and degrowth
  • MacKay, 2022. The global south, degrowth and The Simpler Way movement: the need for structural solutions at the global level
  • Lehmann et al., 2022. Green growth, a-growth or degrowth? Investigating the attitudes of environmental protection specialists at the German Environment Agency
  • Lianos, 2021. Is a capitalist steady-state economy possible? Is it better in socialism?
  • Garcia-Arias & Schöneberg, 2021. Urgencies and imperatives for revolutionary (environmental) transitions: from degrowth and postdevelopment towards the pluriverse?
  • Buch-Hansen & Carstensen, 2021. Paradigms and the political economy of ecopolitical projects: Green growth and degrowth compared
  • Andreoni, 2020. The Trap of Success: A Paradox of Scale for Sharing Economy and Degrowth
  • Akbulut et al., 2019. Who promotes sustainability? Five theses on the relationships between the degrowth and the environmental justice movements
  • Dengler & Seebacher, 2019. What About the Global South? Towards a Feminist Decolonial Degrowth Approach
  • Frost, 2019. First Nations sovereignty, Environmental Justice, and Degrowth in Northwest BC, Canada
  • Schmid, 2019. Degrowth and postcapitalism: Transformative geographies beyond accumulation and growth
  • Rodriguez-Labajos et al., 2019. Not So Natural an Alliance? Degrowth and Environmental Justice Movements in the Global South
  • Singh, 2019. Environmental justice, degrowth and post-capitalist futures
  • Scheidel & Schaffartzik, 2019. A socio-metabolic perspective on environmental justice and degrowth movements
  • Nirmal & Rocheleau, 2019. Decolonizing degrowth in the post-development convergence: Questions, experiences, and proposals from two Indigenous territories
  • Lehtonen, 2019. Niṣkāmakarma: A Philosophical Analysis in Light of the Prisoner's Dilemma and the Concept of Degrowth
  • Beling et al., 2018. Discursive Synergies for a 'Great Transformation' Towards Sustainability: Pragmatic Contributions to a Necessary Dialogue Between Human Development, Degrowth, and Buen Vivir
  • Otto, 2017. Finding common ground: exploring synergies between degrowth and environmental justice in Chiapas, Mexico
  • Bennholdt-Thomsen, 2017. A Subsistence Perspective for the Transition to a New Civilization: An Ecofeminist Contribution to Degrowth
  • Puggioni, 2017. Pope Francis and Degrowth: A Possible Dialogue for a Post-Capitalist Alternative
  • Prieto & Dominguez-Serrano, 2017. An Ecofeminist Analysis of Degrowth: The Spanish Case
  • Escobar, 2015. Degrowth, postdevelopment, and transitions: a preliminary conversation
  • Kothari et al., 2015. Buen Vivir, Degrowth and Ecological Swaraj: Alternatives to sustainable development and the Green Economy
  • Trainer, 2014. The Degrowth Movement from the Perspective of the Simpler Way
  • Van den Bergh & Kallis, 2014. Growth, A-Growth or Degrowth to Stay within Planetary Boundaries?
  • Martínez-Alier, 2012. Environmental Justice and Economic Degrowth: An Alliance between Two Movements
  • Thomson, 2011. Pachakuti: Indigenous perspectives, buen vivir, sumaq kawsay and degrowth
  • Fotopoulos, 2010. De-growth, the Simpler Way and Inclusive Democracy
  • Perkins, 2010. Equitable, Ecological Degrowth: Feminist Contributions

Sur les affaires

  • Silva Sø Rocha, 2022. Degrowth in Practice: Developing an Ecological Habitus within Permaculture Entrepreneurship
  • Nesterova, 2022. Business of deep transformations: How can geography contribute to understanding degrowth business?
  • Nesterova, 2022. Being in the World Locally: Degrowth Business, Critical Realism, and Humanistic Geography
  • Vgontzas, 2021. Toward Degrowth: Worker Power, Surveillance Abolition, and Climate Justice at Amazon
  • Robra et al., 2021. Counter-Hegemonic Decision Premises in Commons-Based Peer Production: A Degrowth Case Study
  • Nesterova, 2021. Addressing the obscurity of change in values in degrowth business
  • Wiefek and Heinitz, 2021. Common Good-Oriented Companies: Exploring Corporate Values, Characteristics and Practices That Could Support a Development Towards Degrowth
  • Nesterova, 2021. Small firms as agents of sustainable change
  • Ramos-Mejia, 2021. Understanding organisations for a post-growth era: contributions from an epistemic analysis
  • Hankammer et al., 2021. Principles for organizations striving for sustainable degrowth: Framework development and application to four B Corps
  • Robra et al., 2020. Commons-based peer production for degrowth? - The case for eco-sufficiency in economic organisations
  • Nesterova, 2020. Degrowth business framework: Implications for sustainable development
  • Hankammer et al., 2020. Towards Degrowth-Conform Organizational Models: Framework Development and Application
  • Chertkovskaya & Paulsson, 2020. Countering corporate violence: Degrowth, ecosocialism and organising beyond the destructive forces of capitalism
  • Banerjee et al., 2020. Theoretical perspectives on organizations and organizing in a post-growth era
  • Schormair & Reuter, 2020. Integrating Multiple Sustainability Objectives Through Deliberation: The Case of Degrowth Businesses
  • Gabriel et al., 2019. Performance Beyond Economic Growth: Alternatives from Growth-Averse Enterprises in the Global South
  • Plaza-Ubeda et al., 2019. The contribution of systems theory to sustainability in degrowth contexts: The role of subsystems
  • Schmid, 2018. Structured Diversity: A Practice Theory Approach to Post-Growth Organisations
  • Wells, 2018. Degrowth and techno-business model innovation: The case of Riversimple
  • Kostakis et al., 2018. The convergence of digital commons with local manufacturing from a degrowth perspective: Two illustrative cases
  • Khmara & Kronenberg, 2018. Degrowth in business: An oxymoron or a viable business model for sustainability?
  • Cyron & Zoellick, 2018. Business Development in Post-Growth Economies: Challenging Assumptions in the Existing Business Growth Literature
  • Fulconis et al., 2018. Investigating frugality in supply chains: a logistics view of degrowth
  • Wiefek & Heinitz, 2018. Common Good-Oriented Companies: Exploring Corporate Values, Characteristics and Practices That Could Support a Development Towards Degrowth
  • Hinton & Maclurcan, 2017. A not-for-profit world beyond capitalism and economic growth?
  • Takács-György, 2017. Challenges, chances, alternatives for SMEs and the theory of "degrowth"
  • Salimath & Chandna, 2017. Towards Degrowth: Alternate Logics in Fostering Sustainability
  • Hörisch, 2015. The Role of Sustainable Entrepreneurship in Sustainability Transitions: A Conceptual Synthesis against the Background of the Multi-Level Perspective
  • Harasym & Podeszwa, 2015. Towards sustainable de-growth e medical survey data as predictors for estimation of niche market value e gluten-free beer market case
  • Shrivastava, 2015. Organizational sustainability under degrowth
  • Johanisova, 2013. Social enterprises and non-market capitals: a path to degrowth?
  • Johanisova & Wolf, 2012. Economic democracy: A path for the future?
  • Blauwhof, 2012. Overcoming accumulation: Is a capitalist steady-state economy possible?

Sur la consommation

  • Kirsi Niinimäki et al., 2020. The environmental price of fast fashion
  • Hüttel et al., 2020. Welfare Beyond Consumption: The Benefits of Having Less
  • Gezon, 2017. Beyond (anti)utilitarianism: khat and alternatives to growth in northern Madagascar
  • Spangenberg, 2014. Institutional change for strong sustainable consumption: sustainable consumption and the degrowth economy
  • Lorek and Fuchs, 2013. Strong sustainable consumption governance e precondition for a degrowth path?
  • Hobson, 2013. 'Weak' or 'strong' sustainable consumption? Efficiency, degrowth, and the 10 Year Framework of Programme
  • Alexander, 2013. Voluntary Simplicity and the Social Reconstruction of Law: Degrowth from the Grassroots Up
  • Hamilton, 2010. Consumerism, self-creation and prospects for a new ecological consciousness

Sur les critiques et les réponses

  • Albert, 2022. Ecosocialism for Realists: Transitions, Trade-Offs, and Authoritarian Dangers
  • Kirchherr, 2022. Circular economy and growth: A critical review of "post-growth" circularity and a plea for a circular economy that grows
  • Hickel & Hallegatte, 2021. Can we live within environmental limits and still reduce poverty? Degrowth or decoupling?
  • Trainer, 2021. Degrowth: How Much is Needed?
  • Bliss, 2021. Labor, energy, and ecosocialist futures
  • Mehta & Harcourt, 2021. Beyond limits and scarcity: Feminist and decolonial contributions to degrowth
  • Tsuda, 2021. Naive questions on degrowth
  • Hickel, 2021. The anti-colonial politics of degrowth
  • Howson et al., 2021. Digital degrowth innovation: Less growth, more play
  • Kallis, 2021. Limits, ecomodernism and degrowth
  • Huber, 2021. The case for socialist modernism
  • Trainer, 2021. What does Degrowth mean? Some comments on Jason Hickel's 'A few points of clarification'
  • Robbins, 2020. Revolutionary humility: Response to Gómez-Baggethun
  • Gómez-Baggethun, 2020. More is more: Scaling political ecology within limits to growth
  • Robbins, 2020. Is less more ... or is more less? Scaling the political ecologies of the future
  • Krüger, 2019. The Paradox of Sustainable Degrowth and a Convivial Alternative
  • Burton & Somerville, 2019. Degrowth: A Defence.
  • Schwartzman & Mauro, 2019. A Response to Giorgios Kallis' Notions of Socialism and Growth
  • Pollin, 2019. Advancing a Viable Global Climate Stabilization Project: Degrowth versus the Green New Deal
  • Pollin et al., 2019. Degrowth versus Green New Deal: Response to Juliet Schor and Andrew Jorgenson
  • Kallis, 2019. Capitalism, Socialism, Degrowth: A Rejoinder
  • Muratori, 2019. Degrowth: a sign that something had to change in the development debate
  • Mocca, 2019. The local dimension in the degrowth literature. A critical discussion
  • Pineault, 2018. From Provocation to Challenge: Degrowth, Capitalism and the Prospect of "Socialism without Growth": A Commentary on Giorgios Kallis
  • Finley, 2018. Beyond the Limits of Nature: A Social-ecological Perspective on Degrowth as a Political Ideology
  • Kallis, 2017. Socialism without growth
  • Liodakis, 2017. Capital, Economic Growth, and Socio-Ecological Crisis: A Critique of De-Growth
  • Kish and Quilley, 2017. Wicked Dilemmas of Scale and Complexity in the Politics of Degrowth
  • Fierro, 2017. Re-thinking oil: compensation for non-production in Yasuní National Park challenging sumak kawsay and degrowth
  • Romano, 2016. Coping with the Horizontal Hitch: The 'Con-Formism' of the Degrowth Alternative
  • Smith, 2016. Degrowth, green capitalism and the promise of ecosocialism
  • Whitehead, 2013. Degrowth or Regrowth?
  • Quilley, 2013. De-Growth Is Not a Liberal Agenda: Relocalisation and the Limits to Low Energy Cosmopolitanism
  • Quilley, 2012. System Innovation and a New 'Great Transformation': Re-embedding Economic Life in the Context of 'De-Growth'
  • Brownhill et al., 2012. Degrowth? How About Some ''De-alienation''?
  • Trainer, 2012. De-growth: Do you realise what it means?
  • Schwartzman, 2012. A Critique of Degrowth and its Politics
  • Correia, 2012. Degrowth, American Style: No Impact Man and Bourgeois Primitivism
  • Van den Bergh, 2011. Environment versus growth - A criticism of "degrowth" and a plea for "a-growth"
  • Trainer, 2011. De-growth - is not enough
  • Foster, 2011. Capitalism and Degrowth: An Impossibility Theorem
  • Harribey, 2009. Degrowth without Conscience?

Sur la distribution et l'injustice

  • Hennen, 2022. Concepts of justice in the degrowth debate
  • Apostel & O'Neill, 2022. A one-off wealth tax for Belgium: Revenue potential, distributional impact, and environmental effects
  • Jackson & Victor, 2021. Confronting inequality in the "new normal": Hyper-capitalism, proto-socialism, and post-pandemic recovery
  • Hartley et al., 2020. Policies for Equality Under Low or No Growth: A Model Inspired by Piketty
  • Buch-Hansen & Koch, 2019. Degrowth through income and wealth caps?
  • Gabriel & Bond, 2019. Need, Entitlement and Desert: A Distributive Justice Framework for Consumption Degrowth
  • Muradian, 2019. Frugality as a choice vs. frugality as a social condition. Is de-growth doomed to be a Eurocentric project?
  • Vandenhole, 2018. De-Growth and Sustainable Development: Rethinking Human Rights Law and Poverty Alleviation
  • Qafa, 2017. Can Degrowth rescue Sub-Saharan Africa?
  • Gilmore, 2013. The World is Yours: "Degrowth", Racial Inequality and Sustainability

Sur la croissance et la croissance verte

  • Boston, 2022. Living Within Biophysical Limits: green growth versus degrowth
  • Lenaerts et al., 2022. The Global Quest for Green Growth: An Economic Policy Perspective
  • Priewe, 2022. Growth in the ecological transition: green, zero or de-growth?
  • Petel & Vander Putten, 2021. Economic, social and cultural rights and their dependence on the economic growth paradigm: Evidence from the ICESCR system
  • Capasso, 2021. Degrowth or Green Growth: A Reflection on the Recent Public Discourse in Norway
  • Hickel & Kallis, 2020. Is Green Growth Possible?
  • Akbulut, 2019. The 'state' of degrowth: Economic growth and the making of state hegemony in Turkey
  • Issaoui et al., 2019. Do we Need a Sustainable Development or Do We Have To Avoid a Sustainable Degrowth
  • Polex & Lenschow, 2018. Surrendering to growth? The European Union's goals for research and technology in the Horizon 2020 framework
  • Buhr et al., 2018. Local Interpretations of Degrowth-Actors, Arenas and Attempts to Influence Policy
  • Gunderson and Yun, 2017. South Korean green growth and the Jevons paradox: An assessment with democratic and degrowth policy recommendations
  • Haapanen & Tapio, 2016. Economic growth as phenomenon, institution and ideology: a qualitative content analysis of the 21st century growth critique
  • Lloveras & Quinn, 2016. Growth and its Discontents: Paving the Way for a More Productive Engagement with Alternative Economic Practices
  • Nørgård & Xue, 2016. Between Green Growth and Degrowth: Decoupling, Rebound Effects and the Politics for Long-Term Sustainability
  • Ramos-Martin, 2016. Biophysical limits of current debates on degrowth and the knowledge economy
  • Ashford, 2016. De-[Constructing] Growth
  • Kaivo-oja et al., 2014. A Note: De-Growth Debate and New Scientific Analysis of Economic Growth
  • Dale, 2013. Critiques of Growth in Classical Political Economy: Mill's Stationary State and a Marxian Response
  • Mauerhofer, 2013. Lose Less Instead of Win More: The Failure of Decoupling and Perspectives for Competition in a Degrowth Economy
  • Klitgaard & Krall, 2012. Ecological economics, degrowth, and institutional change
  • Berg & Hukkinen, 2011. The paradox of growth critique: Narrative analysis of the Finnish sustainable consumption and production debate
  • Spangenberg, 2010. The growth discourse, growth policy and sustainable development: two thought experiments
  • Hueting, 2010. Why environmental sustainability can most probably not be attained with growing production

Sur la nourriture

  • McGreevy et al., 2022. Sustainable agrifood systems for a post-growth world
  • Leon Bodirsky et al., 2022. Integrating degrowth and efficiency perspectives enables an emission-neutral food system by 2100
  • Chakori et al., 2022. Taking a whole-of-system approach to food packaging reduction
  • Rooney & Vallianatos, 2021. Evidence of Degrowth Values in Food Justice in a Northern Canadian Municipality
  • Gertenbach et al., 2021. Eating ourselves out of industrial excess? Degrowth, multi-species conviviality and the micro-politics of cultured meat
  • Lopez, 2018. Agroecology: one of the "tools" for degrowth
  • Gomiero, 2018. Agriculture and degrowth: State of the art and assessment of organic and biotech-based agriculture from a degrowth perspective
  • Bayler, 2018. Degrowth lessons from Cuba
  • Bartkowski, 2017. Degrowth, organic agriculture and GMOs: A reply to Gomiero (2017, JCLEPRO)
  • Cerderlöf, 2016. Low-carbon food supply: the ecological
  • Pimentel et al., 2016. Addressing poverty in Peru: Degrowth, indigenous local farming, and technology innovation
  • Bloemmen et al., 2015. Microeconomic degrowth: The case of Community Supported Agriculturegeography of Cuban urban agriculture and agroecological theory
  • Harasym & Podeszwa, 2015. Towards sustainable de-growth - medical survey data as predictors for estimation of niche market value - gluten-free beer market case
  • Amate & De Molina, 2013. 'Sustainable de-growth' in agriculture and food: an agro-ecological perspective on Spain's agri-food system (year 2000)
  • Boillat et al., 2012. What economic democracy for degrowth? Some comments on the contribution of socialist models and Cuban agroecology

Sur l'éducation, l'éthique, l'art et la spiritualité

  • Collado-Ruano & Segovia Sarmiento, 2022. Ecological Economics Foundations to Improve Environmental Education Practices: Designing Regenerative Cultures*
  • Bobulescu, 2021. Wake up, managers, times have changed! A plea for degrowth pedagogy in business schools
  • Moshenska, 2021. Degrowth and archaeological learning beyond the neo-liberal university
  • Dhara & Singh, 2021. The Elephant in the Room: Why Transformative Education Must Address the Problem of Endless Exponential Economic Growth
  • Jones, 2020. What is an Educational Good? Theorising Education as Degrowth
  • Lestar & Böhm, 2020. Ecospirituality and sustainability transitions: agency towards degrowth
  • Mielkov, 2020. From sustainable development to degrowth: philosophical and educational strategies for sustainability
  • Koller, 2021. Towards Degrowth? Making Peace with Mortality to Reconnect with (One's) Nature: An Ecopsychological Proposition for a Paradigm Shift
  • Pradanos, 2015. The Pedagogy of Degrowth: Teaching Hispanic Studies in the Age of Social Inequality and Ecological Collapse
  • Kaufmann et al., 2019. Building new foundations: the future of education from a degrowth perspective
  • Cox Hall, 2017. Neo-monastics in North Carolina, de-growth and a theology of enough
  • Garcia, 2012. Degrowth, the past, the future, and the human nature
  • Meissner, 2019. Against accumulation: lifestyle minimalism, de-growth and the present post-ecological condition
  • Richter, 2019. Struggling for Another Life: The Ontology of Degrowth
  • Murcia & Tomaselli, 2020. Ready to 'Escape the Economy'? Latin American MBAs' Cognitive Disconnects Concerning Degrowth, Societal Well-Being, and Environmental Sustainability
  • Introna, 2019. Social Reproduction at the End of Times: Jenni Fagan's and John Burnside's Degrowth Imaginaries
  • Philippe, 2008. Less is more: decreasing the number of scientific conferences to promote economic degrowth

Sur l'énergie

  • Diesendorf, 2022. Can energy descent be justified by critiquing 100% renewable energy scenarios? A reply to Floyd et al.
  • Velasco-Herrejón et al., 2022. Challenging dominant sustainability worldviews on the energy transition: Lessons from Indigenous communities in Mexico and a plea for pluriversal technologies
  • Sgouridis et al., 2022. Visions before models: The ethos of energy modeling in an era of transition
  • Tsagkari et al., 2021. From local island energy to degrowth? Exploring democracy, self-sufficiency, and renewable energy production in Greece and Spain
  • Lallana et al., 2021. Assessing Energy Descent Scenarios for the Ecological Transition in Spain 2020-2030
  • Bobulescu & Fritscheova 2021. Convivial innovation in sustainable communities: Four cases in France
  • Metze, 2018. Framing the future of fracking: Discursive lock-in or energy degrowth in the Netherlands?
  • Carton, 2018. On the Nature of the Countermovement: A Response to Stuart et al.'s 'Climate Change and the Polanyian Countermovement: Carbon Markets or Degrowth?'
  • Alarcon Ferrari & Chartier, 2018. Degrowth, energy democracy, technology and social-ecological relations: Discussing a localised energy system in Vaxjö, Sweden
  • Gunderson et al., 2018. Social conditions to better realize the environmental gains of alternative energy: Degrowth and collective ownership
  • Rommel et al., 2018. Community renewable energy at a crossroads: A think piece on degrowth, technology, and the democratization of the German energy system
  • Stuart et al., 2017. Climate Change and the Polanyian Counter- movement: Carbon Markets or Degrowth?
  • Palle, 2016. Evolution Dynamics of European Electricity Transmission Networks: Technical Networks between Growth and Degrowth
  • Kunze & Becker, 2015. Collective ownership in renewable energy and opportunities for sustainable degrowth
  • Kalimeris et al., 2014. A meta-analysis investigation of the direction of the energy-GDP causal relationship: implications for the growth-degrowth dialogue
  • Sorman & Giampioetro, 2013. The energetic metabolism of societies and the degrowth paradigm: analyzing biophysical constraints and realities
  • Alexander, 2012. Degrowth, Expensive Oil, and the New Economics of Energy
  • D'Alessandro et al., 2010. Energy transition towards economic and environmental sustainability: feasible paths and policy implications

Sur l'extractivisme, les ressources et la biodiversité

  • Bisht, 2022. Sand futures: Post-growth alternatives for mineral aggregate consumption and distribution in the global south
  • Teixeira, 2021. Underdevelopment, extractivism, and conflict in the global South and the role of systemic alternatives
  • Creutzburg, 2021. Growing Trees for a Degrowth Society: An Approach to Switzerland's Forest Sector
  • Bauwens, 2021. Are the circular economy and economic growth compatible? A case for post-growth circularity
  • Spash, 2021. Conceptualising Nature: From Dasgupta to Degrowth
  • Gerber, 2020. Anti-mining conflicts and degrowth
  • Otero et al., 2020. Biodiversity policy beyond economic growth
  • Ajulo et al., 2020. Relocalisation for degrowth and disaster risk reduction
  • Navarro-Remesal, 2019. Pixalated Nature: Eco-criticism, animals, moral consideration, and degrowth in video games
  • Velicu, 2019. De-growing environmental justice: Reflections from anti-mining movements in Eastern Europe
  • Schröder et al., 2019. Degrowth within - Aligning circular economy and strong sustainability narratives
  • Euler, 2018. The Commons: A Social Form that Allows for Degrowth and Sustainability
  • Brand et al., 2017. Degrowth and post-extractivism: two debates with suggestions for the inclusive development framework
  • Kallis, 2017. Radical dematerialization and degrowth
  • Exner et al., 2015. Sold Futures? The Global Availability of Metals and Economic Growth at the Peripheries: Distributionand Regulation in a Degrowth Perspective
  • Muniz & Cruz, 2015. Making Nature Valuable, Not Profitable: Are Payments for Ecosystem Services Suitable for Degrowth
  • Jakob & Edenhofer, 2014. Green growth, degrowth, and the commons
  • Domènech et al., 2013. Degrowth initiatives in the urban water sector? A social multi-criteria evaluation of non-conventional water alternatives in Metropolitan Barcelona
  • Garver, 2013. The Rule of Ecological Law: The Legal Complement to Degrowth Economics
  • Alcott, 2010. Impact caps: why population, affluence and technology strategies should be abandoned
  • Kallis & Martinez-Alier, 2010. Caps yes, but how? A response to Alcott

Sur la santé et le soin

  • Dengler & Lang, 2021. Commoning Care: Feminist Degrowth Visions for a Socio-Ecological Transformation
  • Ouimet et al., 2021. Public health and degrowth working synergistically: what leverage for public health?
  • Aillon & Cardito, 2020. Health and Degrowth in times of Pandemic
  • Missoni & Galindo, 2020. Health workers and sustainable systems for health in a post-growth society
  • Barlow et al., 2020. A degrowth perspective on the coronavirus crisis
  • Weydmann, 2020. The Recovery of Healthcare: A case study of Javanese medical practices and related discussions about pluralism in healthcare
  • Besombes, 2020. Alternative ecological and social proposals for preventing the global threat of emerging infectious diseases.
  • Modonesi, 2020. The environmental roots of zoonotic diseases: from SARS-CoV-2 to cancer viruses. A review.
  • Hensher & Zywert, 2020. Can healthcare adapt to a world of tightening ecological constraints? Challenges on the road to a post-growth future
  • Borrowy & Aillon, 2017. Sustainable health and degrowth: Health, health care and society beyond the growth paradigm
  • Dengler & Strunk, 2017. The Monetized Economy Versus Care and the Environment: Degrowth Perspectives On Reconciling an Antagonism
  • Missoni, 2015. Degrowth and health: local action should be linked to global policies and governance for health
  • De Vogli & Owusu, 2014. The causes and health effects of the Great Recession: from neoliberalism to 'healthy de-growth'
  • Borowy, 2013. Degrowth and public health in Cuba: lessons from the past?

Sur l'histoire et les racines intellectuelles

  • Hendsoldt, 2022. Looking for Feminist Pragmatist Roots of Degrowth Ideas: Jane Addams, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Caroline Bartlett Crane
  • Bliss, 2018. The Incipient Degrowth Movement in the United States
  • Sutter, 2017. The Birth of 'Décroissance' and of the Degrowth Tradition
  • Missemer, 2016. Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen and degrowth
  • Tortarolo, 2016. Is there a happy degrowth in historical studies? The Jinan mall, Chinese globality and Italian historiography
  • Markantonatou, 2013. From The Limits to Growth to "Degrowth": Discourses of Critique of Growth in the Crises of the 1970s and 2008
  • Levallois, 2010. Can de-growth be considered a policy option? A historical note on Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen and the Club of Rome
  • Research & Degrowth, 2010. Degrowth Declaration of the Paris 2008 conference
  • Sippel, 2009. Back to the Future: Today's and Tomorrow's Politics of Degrowth Economics (Décroissance) in Light of the Debate over Luxury among Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Century Utopists
  • Alcott, 2008. The sufficiency strategy: Would rich-world frugality lower environmental impact?
  • Federico, 2008. Degrowth: A Slogan for a New Ecological Democracy. An interview with Serge Latouche

Sur l'habitat, l'urbanisme et l'architecture

  • Ermgassen et al., 2022. A home for all within planetary boundaries: pathways for meeting England's housing needs without transgressing national climate and biodiversity goals
  • Espín, 2022. Autonomous re-naturalization of cities in a context of degrowth
  • Savini & Bossuyt, 2022. Housing commons as a degrowth planning practice
  • Xue & Kębłowski, 2022. Spatialising degrowth, degrowing urban planning
  • Medici & Cavallo, 2022. Circular Architecture of Degrowth
  • Krähmer, 2022. Degrowth and the city
  • Sachs Olsen, 2021. Curating change: Spatial utopian politics and the architecture of degrowth
  • Ruiz-Alejos & Prats, 2021. In quest of implementing degrowth in local urban planning policies
  • Baumann et al., 2020. Land commodification as a barrier to political and economic agency: a degrowth perspective
  • Martínez Alonso, 2021. Barcelona's housing policy under austerity urbanism: a contribution to the debate on degrowth and urban planning
  • Cucca & Friesenecker, 2021. Potential and limitations of innovative housing solutions in planning for degrowth: the case of Vienna
  • Crowley et al., 2021. Towards a necessary regenerative urban planning. Insights from community-led initiatives for ecocity transformation
  • Savini, 2021. Towards an urban degrowth: Habitability, finity and polycentric autonomism
  • Xue, 2021. Urban planning and degrowth: a missing dialogue
  • Cristiano, 2020. Settlements for tomorrow? Review of Nelson's and Schneider's book Housing for Degrowth
  • Knuth et al., 2020. Rethinking climate futures through urban fabrics: (De)growth, densification, and the politics of scale
  • Ferreira & von Schönfeld, 2020. Interlacing planning and degrowth scholarship: a manifesto for an interdisciplinary alliance
  • Alcock, 2019. The New Rural Reconstruction Movement: A Chinese degrowth style movement?
  • Florentin, 2018. The challenges of degrowth in cities
  • Lehtinen, 2018. Degrowth in city planning
  • LeBlanc, 2017. Designing a beautifully poor public: postgrowth community in Italy and Japan
  • Béal et al., 2017. Varieties of right-sizing strategies: comparing degrowth coalitions in French shrinking cities
  • Lloveras et al., 2017. Reclaiming sustainable space: A study of degrowth activists
  • Latouche, 2016. Degrowth as a territorial-landscape project
  • Xue, 2015. Sustainable housing development: decoupling or degrowth? A comparative study of Copenhagen and Hangzhou
  • Xue, 2014. Is eco-village/urban village the future of a degrowth society? An urban planner's perspective
  • Sassi, 2014. Degrowth urban policy? The contemporary debate on post-growth alternatives and the challenges posed by soil consumption
  • Wächster, 2013. The Impacts of Spatial Planning on Degrowth
  • Krähmer, 2012. Are green cities sustainable? A degrowth critique of sustainable urban development in Copenhagen
  • Lietaert, 2010. Cohousing's relevance to degrowth theories
  • Cattaneo & Gavalda, 2010. The experience of rurban squats in Collserola, Barcelona: what kind of degrowth?

Sur les indicateurs et les objectifs

  • Requena-i-mora & Brockington, 2021. Seeing environmental injustices: the mechanics, devices and assumptions of environmental sustainability indices and indicators
  • Gonzalez, 2020. Sustainability Will Require Economic Degrowth
  • Verma, 2017. Gross National Happiness: meaning, measure and degrowth in a living development alternative
  • O'Neill, 2015. The proximity of nations to a socially sustainable steady-state economy
  • Hobson, 2013. 'Weak' or 'Strong' Sustainable Consumption? Efficiency, Degrowth, and the 10 Year Framework of Programmes
  • O'Neill, 2012. Measuring progress in the degrowth transition to a steady state economy

Sur les modèles et les simulations

Sur l'argent et la macroéconomie

  • Monserand, 2022. Buying into inequality: a macroeconomic analysis linking accelerated obsolescence, interpersonal inequality, and potential for degrowth
  • Keen, 2022. The Macroeconomics of Degrowth: Can Planned Economic Contraction Be Stable?
  • Benton, 2022. Despair, Rigging, Anger, and Degrowth
  • Hartley and Kallis, 2021. Interest-bearing loans and unpayable debts in slow-growing economies: Insights from ten historical cases
  • Howson, 2021. Distributed degrowth technology: Challenges for blockchain beyond the green economy
  • Jackson & Victor, 2020. The Transition to a Sustainable Prosperity-A Stock-Flow-Consistent Ecological Macroeconomic Model for Canada
  • Bohnenberger, 2020. Money, Vouchers, Public Infrastructures? A Framework for Sustainable Welfare Benefits
  • Balaguer Rasillo, 2020. Alternative economies, digital innovation and commoning in grassroots organisations: Analysing degrowth currencies in the Spanish region of Catalonia
  • Nieto et al., 2020. Macroeconomic modelling under energy constraints: Global low carbon transition scenario
  • Heikkinen, 2018. An Equilibrium Framework for the Analysis of a Degrowth Society With Asymmetric Agents, Sharing and Basic Income
  • Hornborg, 2017. How to turn an ocean liner: a proposal for voluntary degrowth by redesigning money for sustainability, justice, and resilience
  • Mcguirk, 2017. Timebanking in New Zealand as a prefigurative strategy within a wider degrowth movement
  • Germain, 2017. Optimal Versus Sustainable Degrowth Policies
  • Fourot & Lavoie, 2016. Ecological monetary economics: A post-Keynesian critique
  • Hornborg, 2016. A proposal for voluntary degrowth by redesigning money for sustainability, justice, and resilience
  • Exner, 2014. Degrowth and Demonetization: On the Limits of a Non-Capitalist Market Economy
  • Gerber, 2015. An overview of local credit systems and their implications for post-growth
  • Vitari, 2014. Electronic currencies for purposive degrowth?
  • Dittmer, 2013. Local currencies for purposive degrowth? A quality check of some proposals for changing money-as-usual
  • Farley et al., 2013. Monetary and Fiscal Policies for a Finite Planet
  • Douthwaite, 2012. Degrowth and the supply of money in an energy-scarce world
  • Tokic, 2012. The economic and financial dimensions of degrowth
  • Kallis et al., 2009. Paper assets, real debts. An ecological-economic exploration of the global economic crisis
  • Fotopoulos, 2007. Is degrowth compatible with a market economy?

Sur la politique, la gouvernance et l'activisme

  • Reddix-Smalls, 20222. Maroons, the Law and Degrowth: A Sustainable People in a Sustainable Environmen
  • Fyock, 2022. What Might Degrowth Mean for International Economic Law? A Necessary Alternative to the (un)Sustainable Development Paradigm
  • Koch et al., 2021. eyond the growth imperative and neoliberal doxa: Expanding alternative societal spaces through deliberative citizen forums on needs satisfaction
  • Lloveras et al., 2021. Mobilising Sense of Place for Degrowth? Lessons From Lancashire's Anti-fracking Activism
  • Ford & Kuetting, 2021. Discourses of degrowth: New value systems for global environmental governance?
  • Chertkovskaya & Paulsson, 2021. The end of the line: envisioning degrowth and ecosocial justice in the resistance to the trolleybus dismantlement in Moscow
  • D'Alisa & Kallis, 2020. Degrowth and the State
  • Haller, 2020. From classical and neoclassical economic growth to degrowth in Europe. Challenges for public administration
  • Pailloux, 2019. A multi-sited ethno-geography of degrowth activism in France and Quebec
  • Gearey & Ravenscroft, 2019. The nowtopia of the riverbank: Elder environmental activism
  • Nyblom et al., 2019. Governance and Degrowth. Lessons from the 2008 Financial Crisis in Latvia and Iceland
  • O'Manique, 2019. Degrowth in Canada: critical perspectives from the ground
  • Larch et al., 2018. Can degrowth overcome the leakage problem of unilateral climate policy?
  • Strunz & Bartkowski, 2018. Degrowth, the project of modernity, and liberal democracy
  • Zaimakis, 2018. Autonomy, Degrowth and Prefigurative Politics: Voices of Solidarity Economy Activists amid Economic Crisis in Greece
  • Neyra, 2018. Constructing the People: Left Populism and Degrowth Movements
  • Sekulova et al., 2017. A 'fertile soil' for sustainability-related community initiatives: A new analytical framework
  • Martinez, 2017. The affirmative politics of degrowth: Miguel Brieva's graphic narrative Memorias de la Tierra
  • Hirsch, 2017. The unit of resilience: unbeckoned degrowth and the politics of (post)development in Peru and the Maldives
  • Berglund, 2017. Steering clear of politics: local virtues in Helsinki's design activism
  • Schindler, 2016. Detroit after bankruptcy: A case of degrowth machine politics
  • Asara et al., 2013. Degrowth, Democracy and Autonomy
  • Cattaneo et al., 2012. Degrowth futures and democracy
  • Bonaiuti, 2012. Growth and democracy: Trade-offs and paradoxes
  • Deriu, 2012. Democracies with a future: Degrowth and the democratic tradition
  • Ott, 2012. Variants of de-growth and deliberative democracy: A Habermasian proposal
  • Romano, 2012. How to rebuild democracy, re-thinking degrowth
  • Fotopoulos, 2010. Direct Democracy and De-growth
  • Alexander, 2010. Earth jurisprudence and the ecological case for degrowth
  • Sippel, 2009. Back to the Future: Today's and Tomorrow's Politics of Degrowth Economics (De ́croissance) in Light of the Debate over Luxury among Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Century Utopists
  • Latouche, 2007. De-growth: an electoral stake?
  • Baykan, 2007. From limits to growth to degrowth within French green politics

Sur la propriété

  • Stratford, 2020. The Threat of Rent Extraction in a Resource-constrained Future
  • Clark & Pissin, 2020. Potential rents vs. potential lives
  • Hartley, 2018. Who owns the flows? Distinguishing ownership of resource flows from ownership of resource stocks clarifies debates about property bundles, commons tragedies, and degrowth
  • DeVore, 2017. Trees and springs as social property: a perspective on degrowth and redistributive democracy from a Brazilian squatter community
  • Lockyer, 2017. Community, commons, and degrowth at Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage
  • van Griethuysen, 2012. Bona diagnosis, bona curatio: How property economics clarifies the degrowth debate
  • Lohr, 2012. The euthanasia of the rentier - A way toward a steady-state economy?
  • van Griethuysen, 2010. Why are we growth-addicted? The hard way towards degrowth in the involutionary western development path

Sur la sémantique et la communication

Sur la technologie, l'innovation et la science

  • Neil, 2022. What might degrowth computing look like?
  • Krüger & Pellicer-Sifres, 2020. From innovations to exnovations. Conflicts, (De-)Politicization processes, and power relations are key in analysing the ecological crisis
  • Howson et al., 2021. Digital degrowth innovation  : Less growth, more play
  • Reilly, 2020. Degrowth and the Fermi Paradox - Ecopolitics, Techno-Pessimism and Implications for Cosmology
  • Pansera et al., 2019. Unlocking wise digital techno-futures: Contributions from the Degrowth community
  • Kerschner et al., 2018. Degrowth and Technology: Towards feasible, viable, appropriate and convivial imaginaries
  • Alexander & Yacoumis, 2018. Degrowth, energy descent, and 'low-tech' living: Potential pathways for increased resilience in times of crisis
  • Likavcan & Scholz-Wäckerle, 2018. Technology appropriation in a de-growing economy
  • Bradley, 2018. Bike Kitchens - Spaces for convivial tools
  • Zoellick and Bisht, 2018. It's not (all) about efficiency: Powering and organizing technology from a degrowth perspective
  • Strand et al., 2018. New narratives for innovation
  • Pueyo, 2018. Growth, degrowth, and the challenge of artificial superintelligence
  • Muraca and Neuber, 2018. Viable and convivial technologies: Considerations on Climate Engineering from a degrowth perspective
  • March, 2018. The Smart City and other ICT-led techno-imaginaries: Any room for dialogue with Degrowth?
  • Heikkurinen, 2018. Degrowth by means of technology? A treatise for an ethos of releasement
  • Pansera & Owen, 2018. Innovation for de-growth: A case study of counter-hegemonic practices from Kerala, India
  • Garcia et al., 2018. Methodological Luddism: A concept for tying degrowth to the assessment and regulation of technologies
  • Bonaiuti, 2018. Are we entering the age of involuntary degrowth? Promethean technologies and declining returns of innovation
  • Grunwald, 2018. Diverging pathways to overcoming the environmental crisis: A critique of eco-modernism from a technology assessment perspective
  • Hankammer & Kleer, 2018. Degrowth and collaborative value creation: Reflections on concepts and technologies
  • Haucke, 2018. Smartphone-enabled social change: Evidence from the Fairphone case?
  • Lizarralde & Tyl, 2018. A framework for the integration of the conviviality concept in the design process
  • Weber, 2018. Degrowth: Technoscience and the Existential Stakes of a Political Heresy
  • Samerski, 2018. Tools for degrowth? Ivan Illich's critique of technology revisited
  • Vetter, 2017. The Matrix of Convivial Technology e Assessing technologies for degrowth
  • de Saille & Medvecky, 2016. Innovation for a steady state: a case for responsible stagnation
  • Exner & Lauk, 2012. Social Innovations for Economic Degrowth

Sur le tourisme

Sur les transitions et les stratégies

  • Dunlap & Laratte, 2022. European Green Deal necropolitics: Exploring 'green' energy transition, degrowth & infrastructural colonization
  • Trainer, 2022. A technical critique of the Green New Deal
  • Petersen et al., 2022. Redistributive Solidarity? Exploring the Utopian Potential of Unconditional Basic Income
  • Dunlap & Marin, 2022. Comparing coal and 'transition materials'? Overlooking complexity, flattening reality and ignoring capitalism
  • Koch, 2022. State-civil society relations in Gramsci, Poulantzas and Bourdieu: Strategic implications for the degrowth movement
  • Smith et al., 2021. Intentional degrowth and its unintended consequences: Uneven journeys towards post-growth transformations
  • Mastini et al., 2021. A Green New Deal without growth
  • Koch, 2020. Structure, action and change: a Bourdieusian perspective on the preconditions for a degrowth transition
  • Trainer, 2020. Simpler way transition theory
  • Khmara & Kronenberg, 2020. Degrowth in the context of sustainability transitions: In search of a common ground
  • Hirvilammi, 2020. The Virtuous Circle of Sustainable Welfare as a Transformative Policy Idea
  • Vuković et al., 2020. Values underpinning a degrowth transformation of the socio-political system
  • Krüger, 2020. Identifying strategic entry points for transformative politics towards a degrowth society: how to operationalize the concept of the "imperial mode of living" for empirical research
  • Ossewaarde & Ossewaarde-Lowto, 2020. The EU's Green Deal: A Third Alternative to Green Growth and Degrowth?
  • Pazaitis et al., 2020. Should We Look for a Hero to Save Us from the Coronavirus? The Commons as an Alternative Trajectory for Social Change
  • Dula et al., 2019. Degrowth dynamics: Modelling policy proposals with system dynamics
  • Varvarousis, 2019. Crisis, liminality and the decolonization of the social imaginary
  • Buch-Hansen, 2018. The Prerequisites for a Degrowth Paradigm Shift: Insights from Critical Political Economy
  • Joutsenvirta, 2016. A practice approach to the institutionalization of economic degrowth
  • Brand, 2016. Beyond Green Capitalism: Social-Ecological Transformation and Perspectives of a Global Green-Left
  • Hohoš, 2016. A Tentative Scenario of "Sustainable Degrowth Society"
  • Ančić & Domazet, 2015. Potential for degrowth: attitudes and behaviours across 18 European countries
  • Videira et al., 2014. Improving understanding on degrowth pathways: An exploratory study using collaborative causal models
  • Buch-Hansen, 2014. Capitalist diversity and de-growth trajectories to steady-state economies
  • D'Alisa et al., 2013. Civil and Uncivil Actors for a Degrowth Society
  • Klitgaard, 2013. Heterodox Political Economy and the Degrowth Perspective
  • Murphy, 2013. Translating degrowth into contemporary policy challenges: a symbiotic social transformation strategy
  • Boonstra & Joose, 2013. The Social Dynamics of Degrowth

Sur les transports

  • Cattaneo et al., 2022. A degrowth approach to urban mobility options: just, desirable and practical options
  • Köves & Bajmócy, 2022. The end of business-as-usual? - A critical review of the air transport industry's climate strategy for 2050 from the perspectives of Degrowth
  • de Beukelaer, 2021. Tack to the future: is wind propulsion an ecomodernist or degrowth way to decarbonise maritime cargo transport?

Sur les déchets

Sur l'eau et les poissons

  • Chaudhuri, 2022. Exploring sustainable degrowth-based adaptation to climate change-aggravated water insecurity in parts of rural India: A gender relations approach
  • Howson, 2020. Degrowth and the Blue Belt: Rethinking marine conservation in the British Overseas Territories
  • Ertör & Hadjimichael, 2020. Editorial: Blue degrowth and the politics of the sea: rethinking the blue economy
  • Said & MacMillan, 2020. 'Re-grabbing' marine resources: a blue degrowth agenda for the resurgence of small-scale fisheries in Malta
  • Bogadottir, 2020. Blue Growth and its discontents in the Faroe Islands: an island perspective on Blue (De)Growth, sustainability, and environmental justice
  • Childs, 2020. Performing 'blue degrowth': critiquing seabed mining in Papua New Guinea through creative practice
  • Carver, 2020. Lessons for blue degrowth from Namibia's emerging blue economy
  • Hadjimichael, 2019. A call for a blue degrowth: Unravelling the European Union's fisheries and maritime policies
  • Fuente-Carrasco et al., 2019. Governance from below and environmental justice: Community water management from the perspective of social metabolism
  • Kandoğan, 2020. Designing sustainability in blues: the limits of technospatial growth imaginaries
  • Leposa, 2020. Problematic blue growth: a thematic synthesis of social sustainability problems related to growth in the marine and coastal tourism
  • Bogadóttir, 2017. Making degrowth locally meaningful: the case of the Faroese grindadráp

Sur la prospérité et le bien-être

Sur le travail